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DRG's 2025 Webinar Series

The Keys to Success in Donor Relations

Unlock the Keys to Success in Donor Relations with our dynamic 2025 Webinar Series!

This year, we’re going big with two tracks designed to give you everything you need to level up your donor relations game.


These 24 brand-new webinars are packed with expert insights, actionable strategies, and plenty of wit & humor (you know us!).


We've crafted two powerhouse tracks this year, all rooted in addressing challenges and identifying strategies for success within the 4 Pillars of Donor Relations:

  • Track One will help you crush it with Acknowledgments & Stewardship, offering best practices and bold ideas to elevate how you say “thank you” and demonstrate impact.

  • Track Two is all about excelling in Donor Recognition & Engagement, with strategies that build lasting relationships and create meaningful donor experiences.

Each month, we’ll tackle a new theme, delivering two webinars tailored to the nuances of each track. So, whether you're refining your acknowledgment and stewardship strategies or stepping up your recognition and engagement game, you'll get the insights, tools, and inspiration you need to drive success in every aspect of donor relations.


Here are the monthly themes for the year: 


  • Modern Trends in Donor Relations

  • Behavior-Based Donor Relations

  • Communicating the Value of Donor Relations Internally

  • Optimizing and Using Data

  • Effective Storytelling 

  • Donor Feedback

  • Change Leadership

  • Key Metrics for Donor Retention

  • Optimizing Operations 

  • Project Management

  • Donor Communications

  • DRG Heroes (the Best of 2025)

The best part?

One purchase buys you unlimited seats. So, whether you’re running a one-person shop or managing a large team, this series has something for everyone.

We’re not just giving you tried-and-true strategies (though there will be plenty of that)—we’ll also share next practices and innovative approaches to keep you ahead of the curve.

So, gather your team, no matter the size, and get ready to take your donor relations program to the next level!

How does it work?

Choose Track 1 or Track 2 and save over $120 compared to buying the webinars individually—or get both tracks and save $290!​


Here is what you can expect when you purchase either track:

  • 12 monthly webinars—January 2025 - December 2025 (24 webinars—2 per month—if you purchase both tracks).

  • Unlimited seats—One purchase provides access for your entire organization!

  • Each webinar is one hour packed with expert insights, real-life samples, and live Q&A opportunities. 

  • Access to live webinars, presentation recordings, slides, and the chat log from each event.

  • Timely and relevant topics rooted in the 4 Pillars of Donor Relations.

  • Fresh content—our monthly webinars are never reused or pre-scripted. We build and adjust our presentations to reflect what the industry needs in the moment.

  • Samples of the best work we've seen from education and healthcare institutions as well as other nonprofits around the world.

  • Practical takeaways and relevant learning outcomes for shops of all sizes and budgets.

  • Full participation in the 2025 Webinar Series earns you 24 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. (1 point per webinar)

  • VIP access to special discounts on other DRG products and services.

If you prefer your professional development á la carte, you can also register for individual webinars from either series for $60 each. 

Choose one or both of the webinar tracks below.
Each track includes 12 monthly webinars throughout 2025
(24 webinars if you purchase both tracks).

Unlimited seats for the Donor Recognition & Engagement Track:


Unlimited seats for both tracks:


Unlimited seats for the Acknowledgments & Stewardship Track: 


Schedule & Topics

January 2025 | Modern Trends in Donor Relations


Track 1 
Innovative Approaches to Donor Acknowledgments and Reporting: Adapting to Modern Demographics and Expectations

January 14, 2025 at 1 pm ET


Discover innovative strategies for donor acknowledgments and reporting that align with changing demographics and evolving donor expectations to enhance your acknowledgment and stewardship programs.








Track 2

Evolving with Purpose: Donor Recognition & Engagement Strategies for Today’s Donor Expectations

January 28, 2025 at 1 pm ET


Explore innovative donor recognition and engagement strategies that align with today’s evolving donor expectations and ensure your program remains effective and stays ahead of the curve.






February 2025 | Behavior-Based Donor Relations

​​​Track 1

Mapping Success: Behavior-Based Acknowledgment and Stewardship Strategies, and Oft-Overlooked Populations

February 11, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Learn how to identify essential donor behaviors, map donor journeys, and implement behavior-based acknowledgment and stewardship strategies that enhance the donor experience and effectively measure success in your efforts.






Track 2

Beyond the Gift Amount: Inclusive & Behavior-Based Donor Recognition & Engagement Strategies

February 25, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Discover how to elevate donor experiences by shifting away from gift-based recognition and engagement strategies, and towards more inclusive, behavior-based strategies.​





March 2025 | Communicating the Value of Donor Relations Internally


Track 1

Demonstrating Value: Communicating the Impact of Acknowledgments and Reporting Across Your Organization

March 11, 2025 at 1 pm ET


Learn how to effectively communicate the value of your acknowledgment and reporting programs across your organization to enhance internal support and demonstrate impact.






Track 2 

Showcasing Impact: Effectively Communicating the Value of Donor Recognition and Engagement to Internal Stakeholders

March 18 2025 at 1 pm ET

Learn how to effectively communicate the value of your recognition and engagement programs across your organization to enhance internal support and demonstrate impact.




April 2025 | Optimizing and Using Data


Track 1

Data-Driven Excellence: Optimizing Data to Elevate Donor Acknowledgments and Reports

April 8, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Unlock the power of data to transform your donor acknowledgment and reporting programs. Learn to identify key metrics, collaborate with stakeholders, and apply data-driven decision-making for optimized results.






Track 2

Leveraging Data for Enhanced Donor Recognition and Engagement

April 22, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Harness your data to elevate donor recognition and engagement. Learn to identify key metrics, collaborate with stakeholders, and apply data-driven insights to optimize strategies to elevate your donor recognition and engagement programs.



May 2025 | Effective Storytelling


Track 1

The Art and Science of Storytelling for Acknowledgment and Stewardship Communications

May 27, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Elevate your storytelling skills to effectively convey gratitude and demonstrate impact. Discover how to identify opportunities, incorporate compelling narratives, and effectively engage donors through powerful storytelling techniques.


Track 2

Inspire Through Stories: Elevating Donor Recognition and Engagement with Compelling Narratives

May 13, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Enhance your donor recognition and engagement efforts through the power of storytelling. Learn to identify key storytelling opportunities and effectively connect with donors by integrating impactful storytelling techniques into your communications.



June 2025 | Donor Feedback


Track 1

Survey Says...: Harnessing Feedback to Enhance Acknowledgment and Stewardship

June 10, 2025 at 1 pm ET


Leverage donor feedback to enhance your acknowledgment and stewardship efforts. Learn to identify feedback opportunities, design effective tools, and apply insights to improve your strategies.


Track 2

Unlocking Donor Insights: Leveraging Feedback to Elevate Recognition and Engagement

June 17, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Harness donor feedback to elevate your donor recognition and engagement strategies. Learn to identify key opportunities, design effective feedback mechanisms, and apply insights to enhance your efforts.​

July 2025 | Change Leadership


Track 1

Navigating Transitions: Adapting Donor Acknowledgments and Stewardship in Times of Organizational Change

July 8, 2025 at 1 pm ET


Learn to adapt donor acknowledgment and stewardship strategies during organizational change. We'll discuss how to assess shifts, understand their impact on donors and your team, and implement responsive adjustments to maintain alignment with new priorities.

Track 2

Leading Through Change: Evolving Donor Recognition and Engagement Strategies During Organizational Shifts

July 22, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Learn to adapt donor recognition and engagement strategies in response to organizational change. We'll teach you how to evaluate shifts, analyze their impact on donors and your team, and implement strategic adjustments to stay aligned with evolving priorities.

August 2025 | Key Metrics for Donor Retention


Track 1

Retention Metrics: Using Data to Refine Acknowledgments and Reports for Better Donor Retention

August 12, 2025 at 1 pm ET


Discover how to use retention metrics to refine acknowledgments and reports, driving better donor retention. Learn to identify key data points, understand actions to enhance retention, and apply data-driven improvements to strengthen donor relationships.




Track 2

Optimizing Retention: Key Metrics for Donor Recognition and Engagement Success

August 26, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Explore how to leverage key metrics to optimize donor recognition and engagement for better retention. Learn to identify essential data points, analyze them to boost engagement, and implement data-driven enhancements to refine your strategies.

September 2025 | Optimizing Operations


Track 1

Streamlining Operations: Enhancing Donor Acknowledgment and Reporting Processes and Tools

September 9, 2025 at 1 pm ET


Streamline your donor acknowledgment and reporting processes with effective tools and strategies. Learn to identify inefficiencies, understand required resources, and implement operational changes to enhance your donor relations efforts.​




Track 2

Enhancing Efficiency: Process Improvements for Donor Recognition and Engagement Programs

September 30, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Boost the effectiveness of your donor recognition and engagement programs by identifying and addressing process inefficiencies. Learn about necessary resources, and how to implement strategies to enhance operations for a better donor experience.

October 2025 | Project Management


Track 1

Project Management Essentials for Stewardship and Acknowledgments

October 14, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Enhance your stewardship and acknowledgment projects with essential project management skills. Learn to identify optimization opportunities, manage risks, curate tasks, and apply project management principles for improved efficiency and success.




Track 2

Project Management Strategies to Streamline Donor Recognition and Engagement Programs

October 28, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Optimize your donor recognition and engagement programs with targeted project management strategies. Learn to identify areas for improvement, manage risks, define project parameters, curate tasks, and integrate project management principles for greater efficiency and success.


November 2025 | Donor Communications


Track 1

Crafting Meaningful Donor Communications: A Guide to Acknowledgments, Stewardship, and Measuring Success

November 4, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Learn how to craft meaningful acknowledgments and reports for your donors. Explore essential communication types, learn how to identify the right audience, understand what makes communications effective, and discover methods and metrics to evaluate and elevate your acknowledgment and reporting strategies.





Track 2

Effective Donor Recognition and Engagement Communications: Creating Messages & Measuring Impact

November 18, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Discover how to craft effective and inspiring donor recognition and engagement communications. Learn to identify essential messages, target the right audience, and explore the key features of successful communications. We'll also teach you how to measure their impact to ensure they achieve the desired outcomes.

December 2025 | DRG Heroes


Track 1

DRG Heroes: 2025's Top Acknowledgment and Stewardship Examples

December 9, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Discover 2025's top acknowledgment and stewardship examples in this webinar. Learn the best practices that made these programs stand out, understand common pitfalls in donor communications, and explore how to apply these insights to enhance your own acknowledgment and stewardship efforts





Track 2

DRG Heroes: 2025's Top Recognition and Engagement Examples

December 16, 2025 at 1 pm ET

Explore 2025's top recognition and engagement programs in this webinar. Learn the best practices that made these programs stand out, understand common pitfalls in donor communications, and discover how to apply these insights to enhance your own recognition and engagement efforts.

Purchase all 24 webinars and receive unlimited access
for just $1,150

What Our Attendees Say

Below are real quotes from attendees of our 2024 Webinar Series:

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DRG gives excellent guidance for the "here" and "now." It is reassuring to have this group as our cheering section who values this work and understands the donor experience and expectations. Thank you for leading the way!

I was super scribbling notes and loved that Lynne was on the questions. I'm a year into my position of playing follow the previous agenda, and am finally feeling compelled to make changes and improvements that I am being exposed to through the DRG series.


Your expert panelists are eloquent yet down-to-earth. The teamwork in chat management is top-notch & also high energy, personal & positive. They keep it fun & interesting. -AND- you kept it to 59 minutes. (Yay!)​​

We just joined series in May. In fairly short order, I am a card-carrying, Lynne Wester/entire DRG group enthusiast! If only I had known about this 9 months ago when I started.

I am so very grateful to have these bi-monthly webinars, in digestible chunks to be able to incorporate and build into our established system.

I always gain some valuable nugget of donor relations best practices that I can initialize immediately and other chunks that require some digging in and mapping out.



Lynne and team are consistently the best presenters I've ever taken webinars from. They balance theory, framing, and concepts with concrete examples, ideas, and stats. Their webinars are worth every penny and then some. When my professional development budget gets squeezed, I prioritize DRG every single time.​​​


Each professional development event I attend I walk away with so many ideas to implement. THANK YOU DRG!!​

I am thoroughly enjoying the topics and insight to donor relations - concepts and practices that are yielding positive results and happy participants on both sides of the donor gate.

I recently became VP and CDO at an organization that has a history of transactional giving. DRG has been so helpful in assisting me with changing the mindset to relationship based.


I really love DRG's webinars. As an attendee, I appreciate the enthusiasm of the presenters as well as real world examples that people from any field can adapt and use.​​


I love DRG's seminars---they are often the highlight of the week for me. Affirming of what I know (even when I feel crazy because others may not agree) and always loaded with ideas, samples, and a "nugget" or two that can be applied immediately. Thanks for all you do.​

So respect the teachings and resources you provide. Our team uses them every day in our work.

Are you ready to join us in 2025?

Questions? Email us at 

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